Blog started

Hi all.

I know it has been quite at stardust-audio.
I did not added new music for a while and figured id add a blog to my page

I am Using this blog as a News Page for my site!.
This blog features what i do whit music and al suchs things that go hand in hand whit the music i make. also news update about my webpage

Ofcoarse you can follow me at twitter @gijsdemik
to get the latest music updates and downloads.
Or you can like my facebook page
wich has all the music updates.

From time to time i wil be adding my music adventures here.
As you al know the page has been under construction for a while now.
Today i am working on the page.

I have a small previeuw of a track i made yesterday whit chacha.
She did a great job on the vocals. The track is not yet finishd.
you can listen to the track right here


So lets kick it of whit a bird generator plugin i made this week.

Ohnoo! Only one knob?!
This Bird generator came to live trouhg a friend of mine.
I was building a demonstration synth and she said.
“i want one knob that goes ieeieieiewww crazy sounds”
So i added a knob (trix tweet knob) and linked it to all kinds of random
inputs and outputs.
When i was fiddeling around i found a bird sound. i deceided to hide all other
parameter knobs and only left the knob reqeusted bij trix.

It sounds like this

Super Bird generator sound
The programm i use to make plugins is synthedit

It uses varouise modules. wich you can download or programm yourself
using C++ and the synthedit sdk. its all math
I did make one useful module called MyFm.
I used the formula they also use in radio Fm broadcasting
This Module Combines two input signals using the Fm technique.
You can download it here .

MyFm Module

I have made more plugins wich two are featured on my webpage.

My plugins page

Ime not going into details about my Penguinsynth or the Leloudness enhancer.
I still have to make some demo videos about them.
Next week you can expect a new entry to the blog explaining those two plugins.

It is planned that i be providing music howto tutorials and varouise techniques to
to my webpage so any one who wants to get stared making music can get good help and advise how to do so

Yes i do more than just the electronic music production.
I often enjoy a good game of warhammer.
Painting my army whiles i listen to al sorts of music.
Chilling out making my game table ready (wich i do using a lot of cardboard and clay)

Herse a picture of me painting a coldone knight.

My music is generaly elektronic styles tunes and melodies.
Altoug i like many sorts of music old and new.
Ime a huge fan of the doors,eric burdon and the moodybleus.
Somtimes i just put on reagea and chillout for a while.
Night core? gimme more!, Pop Rock Tkno stuff? i play it all

Just this last week i had my first live jamming experience.
A friend of mine asked if i would join him and his friend to a local jam session.
As soon as we enterted the place we got put on stage.
Yea !!! eventoug it was my firs jam ever we did quite wel.

I rocked the keys using a hammond style organ sound.
his gittare shred troug the building and his friend played deep melodies.
it was great.
Next time im taking my Blofeld synth whit me and do some serious live synth action

So that was my first Blog entry.
I am going to blog once a week.

Next week il discus the penguinsynth and its extended possibility’s.
And of coarse Keep you informd about my albums and there progress.


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