Hey! i have been quite for some time. i had some issues whit my news page But i am here to tell you there is lots of cool stuff coming First off my new remix i did from Allex Eternal Echoes is awesome.
Allex contacted me and i was happy to remix his works. check it out here

As you migt know i have been working on vst for tapewrm audio
these are 64bit vsts effect and each effect has been carefully tested and editited to give the most to the user its a shame i cant use them in my studio wich is still 32bit,

As you can see we have two versions the PR which are the big ones, and the PRB whit slimmed down control’s and functions. both use the same audio engine. these are 64bit vst 3 plugins. each one is carefully constructed and it took me almost a year to get them perfect.
i am still working on music for the new 3d engine and game Blast3d / Exodus. its fast heavy dnb music whit a splash of 90thies to it. i am very proud to be on board whit this project and when the OST is released i shall share it here to.
In my home town there Finally giving a big techno party and when you hear techno you hear gijs. so i singed up to be on the dj list which is quite exiting