In just a few days my new EP, Machina Love is released at Experiment Records.
The album is rich and lush and full of my classic techno sounds. It will be released On 26-06-2020

i have worked hard to create the 6 tracks featured on this EP
and make them sound as good as i could once more pushing my self to create better music.
i am proud of this EP and its one of my best works.
Be sure to check it out whit the link bellow
And on 24-06-202 i will be doing a live stream again. Demonstrating my MachinaLove Ep Mixend in to my dj set at the end. also i am going to play space synth jam live again so be sure to check it out at the facebook page here where it will be streamed around 20:00
I have started to work whit someone in creating new vst’s for commercial release i cannot say to much yet but keep a lookout at my page for more information… the first project already sounds very sweet and i put all i had into it. creating a proper sounding vst.
Keep safe!