Hi all,
First i want to thank every one and Massachuse and Ohio for the great support!
Its Christmas Again, and as i do every year ive got a few gifts
For the music maker and lover,
I created a a collection mix of all the new electropop beats music
This includes my electropop tunes of the last two years aswhell a preview
on the new music i made together whit LucieJ shes quite popular
and ime glad the music is well appreciated,
so download >>>the elektropop beat collectionhere<<<
And i made 3 Cool Plugins.
>>>>Download them here<<<<Starting off whit Roommate bob
This is a Stereo widener effect made to simulate small room verb/delay sound.
Of coarse you can turn it way in to space, its stil a stardust-audio plugin !
I found it great whit reverbs just put Bob behind the reverbs wetness and hear the magic!. Note it uses two bandpass filters for the stereo reflections.
Frobes And Kull are here to mangle kill hurt and decimate your drum loops or samples. MIDI controlled you can change the freq of various controllers whit Midi Notes, You have to set the midi in Port/Channel in the pluggin and a midi track on that port/channel to use these effects.
If you use FL Add A Midiout to your project set the Midiout port to 1
open op the effects settings window (the icon of gears)
set MIDI in Port to 1, Now you can use the Midi out to controlle the FX,
I wish you all the best merry Xmas and A happy new year!!!