Hi all,
So as you might know one of the labels that releases a lot of my music is
>>Experiment Records<<
This label has other good music to!.
So chek em out and show some support
First of the new releases of RobinZett, Discover EpThis Ep Features two tracks, Outside and Inside
The track Outside has a somewhat more joyfull techno/House sound.
Aswhere the track Inside has more of a classic sound.
i realy like the track Outside. So listen to the music >>Here<<
Or purchase on >>beatport here<<
Second up is EnryC whit his Landscape EP.
I like this Ep, it has more of a funky house feelling to it.
The two tracks, Landscape and The moon is rising fit each other well.
I could see my self chillin at a lounge bar whit this music in the background
Listen to the album >>Here<<
Or purchase on >>beatport here<<
Thats it for now,
Il be back whit more cool tunes next time (and new 80thies-epop track)